This is the 15th week of controlled hours for unit B321 (hours 27 & 28). At the end of this lesson you will only have 2 hours remaining.
- Complete your Evaluative Commentary using your poster feedback as a source of data & information.
Obviously, prior to your lesson, you need to make sure that you have gathered feedback from members of your target audience using the following survey;
GCSE Poster Survey
We will then give you a copy of your feedback to use in your Evaluative Commentary and to present in your portfolio. You will need to email your teacher when you have finished collecting responses so that we know that we can print your data. You need a minimum of 6 responses really.
Here is an example of what the feedback will look like and how you can use it to improve your coursework. I will also explain how you can exploit this opportunity to support claims in your Evaluative Commentary.
Example Feedback (& How To Use It In Your Evaluative Commentary)
Use this to demonstrate how successful your product is. In this case, the majority of your target audience believe your product looks like an authentic, professional product. This would suggest that your have used print product codes successfully. Some members of your target audience disagree though and you should drill down into their responses to find out why and maybe use this information to improve your product further. Refer to the feedback and the improvements you made in response to this feedback in your Evaluative Commentary. |
Use this feedback to demonstrate that you have been successful in communicating the title of your film (target audience can tell which is the title and which is the tagline!). You must have used an appropriate font and font size! |
Use this feedback to evaluate the success of your tagline. Does the feedback suggest that the tagline could be improved? Did you go back to your poster and make changes as a consequence of this feedback? Refer to this process of making improvements as a result of feedback in your Evaluative Commentary. |
Use this feedback to evaluate how well you have used genre conventions. If your target audience have identified the correct genre, you must have successfully used sci-fi conventions in your film poster! |
Use this feedback to support your views about what is good about your product. It can also be used as evidence to suggest successful technical skill development (when considering what you've learnt overall during this unit of work). |
Again, use this feedback to evaluate your overall success and to identify elements of your print product that you may need to improve before the final deadline. Refer to changes you made in response to this feedback in your Evaluative Commentary. |
Use this as evidence of overall success. If you surveyed members of your target audience and they don't want to see this film, this may suggest a weakness in your product. However, if you surveyed other people (not members of your target audience) it may only suggest that they don't like sci-fi films! |