- What is the brief for Unit B324, the Production Portfolio?
- What are the groups for Unit B324?
- What is the assessment criteria for Unit B324?
- How can I use a Production Log to meet the assessment criteria?
- What types of documentary are there?
- What is the terminology associated with documentaries that I must use?
- What are the conventions of documentary film-making?
To answer question 1 we will use the Course Specification in the sidebar to examine the briefs for Unit B324. We are doing option 6 on page 16. To answer question 3, we will use the Assessment Criteria in the sidebar on the dedicated Production Portfolio Blog (also in sidebar) to establish exactly what you have to do to gain marks in this unit of work.
To answer question 4 we will examine the example Production Log template that I have placed on each of your flash drives. We will consider how each page in the template will help you to meet the assessment criteria. You can take this flash drive home so that you can complete some of the research and planning but you MUST bring it to each lesson (so that I can back it up). There are some elements of the Production Log that you can complete at home and other bits that must be completed during lesson time under controlled conditions; we will discuss what you can and can't do outside the controlled hours of the classroom. It will be your responsibility to present your flash drive for backing-up at some point during each lesson. I would advise you to make your own back-up too. Why not set up a free DropBox account?
We will use the dedicated Production Portfolio Blog to answer question 5. You can use the research links in the sidebar or your own internet search to investigate types of documentary. You should make notes as you investigate as you will need this information for your Production Log (you could even make notes on the 'Documentary Research' page in your Production Log for use later on). Working in pairs, you will have 20 minutes to investigate documentary types and to prepare your feedback to the class. You will be asked to define and explain one of the documentary types.
We will now start to investigate the terminology and conventions associated with documentaries (questions 6 & 7). There is a glossary on the Production Portfolio Blog and a list of basic terms that you should know. Use these to build a repertoire of terminology over the next few weeks that you can use in your work (there may be a test to welcome you to next lesson too). To investigate documentary conventions, you are going to start by analysing a documentary that we have made for you. I have a paper copy of an online quiz so that you can prepare rough versions of your answers before submitting your final answers online. Use the glossary on the Production Portfolio Blog to look up any words you don't already know. When you have completed the paper rough draft of the quiz, log on to the Socrative Quiz page (you will need to know the teacher room details) and submit your answers. You must achieve 90% to pass the test. If you score less than 90%, you will have to retake the test before you do next week's filming task.
So, we will start by watching the documentary...
Out of Hours Learning
- Complete the Lesson Evaluation (see sidebar on Main Blog)
- Complete the draft of your documentary quiz answers and submit answers online.
- Watch the three tutorials on the Documentary Production Tutorials page on the Production Portfolio Blog in preparation for a filming task next lesson. (They last about 18 minutes).
Next Lesson
- Filming a short interview
- Filming B-Roll
- Editing a short interview sequence in FCP X, including the use of 'connected' B-Roll & lower-third text elements.