19 September 2015

Year 11 : Week 3 (Controlled Hours 1 & 2)

In this week's lessons, you will answer the following questions;
  1. How successful was our test interview film? What worked well? What could be improved? What have I learnt about filming interviews & B-Roll?
  2. How will we change our working practices to make sure that the 'real' product is better?
  3. How significant was the contribution from each production team member?
  4. What is my role within our production team for the controlled hours coursework?
  5. What will our documentary be about?
  6. How can I provide evidence to demonstrate my knowledge of documentary types & documentary conventions?

From now on, tasks relating to an expected entry in your Production Log will be written in red. You can, of course, make additional entries.

Objective 1

Your completed test film will be exhibited to your peers. Upon viewing, everyone will fill in the 'Test Film Review' document, identifying strengths and weaknesses (you do your own film too). I will share my review of each test film and we will distribute feedback forms to the appropriate film makers.  You will have time to review the feedback in the lesson. For OHL, summarise the task you were given and the feedback you received in your Production Diary using today's date (in your Production Log). You can add personal thoughts about the process or the quality of teamwork, etc.

Objective 2

You should review the feedback you received, looking for common threads, and use it to set targets for the construction of your main product (assessed documentary). Add a summary of these targets to your Production Diary entry (see objective 1).

Objective 3

Every production team member will complete a 'Peer Satisfaction Rating' questionnaire, assessing the value of the contribution made by each production team member. You should assess yourself too. These peer-assessment sessions will take place on a regular basis and be used to allocate final marks to each group member at the end of the controlled hours. You must contribute significantly to the process to gain marks!

Objective 4

You will need to complete some of the Production Details Form on the first tab in your Production Log; identifying the name of your production company, the project deadline (22nd Jan 2016) and the role of each production team member. The production company name should represent your team ethos or have a link to the film-making process for example, "United Films" or "B-Roll Productions". Every member of the team must take responsibility for overseeing an element of the construction process (this doesn't mean they have to do all of the work though).

Objective 5

You will spend some time brainstorming initial ideas for your documentary. I will give you a 'Thought Cloud' on a piece of A3 paper and you should make a note of every idea that comes to mind, regardless of how good or bad the idea is. Write the name of the person who suggested the documentary topic in brackets under each idea. Alternatively, each person could use a different coloured pen and you could provide a key, identifying each contributor. Other creative methods of collecting ideas are also available from all good stockists! (lol). I will scan your completed cloud and you can add it to your Production Log next lesson.

Objective 6

For OHL, use the embedded Word document in your personal Production Log to demonstrate your research & understanding of the Six Modes of Documentary. The best pieces of research will include screenshots from named examples (existing products) - identify the mode, define the mode and give an example.

Out of Hours Learning
  • Complete the Lesson Evaluation document (see sidebar)
  • Complete your 'Test Shoot' entry in your Production Diary (task, feedback & targets)
  • Identify the project deadline and the tasks you completed today on your Production Calendar
  • Complete 'Types of Documentary Research' (in Production Log)

Next Lesson
  • Establishing an agreed focus for your documentary & getting it commissioned.
  • Identifying a target audience
  • Analysing existing products (documentaries)
  • Researching your chosen documentary topic