- How did I perform on the Outnumbered case study test and how can I address gaps in my knowledge?
- How well developed is my understanding of how soundtrack is used to create effects in action adventure films?
- How is editing used to create effect in action adventure films?
- How well did I perform in Unit B324 (Production Portfolio)?
- What mark do I need to achieve in the exam (Unit B322) to secure my target grade?
To answer question 1 you will need to review the printout of last week's test and the STAR Marking feedback attached to it. Mr Hood's class can also access a copy of the results here (with model answers). You must then log in to this week's Socrative test and respond to the actions identified on the STAR marking feedback sheet. List the questions/gaps you have addressed in the 'Response' section of the STAR marking sheet and hand the printout back to your teacher please.
To answer question 2, we will go through the Soundtrack Media Language Table you completed during out of hours learning (so make sure you have!). Your teacher will test your ability to recognise, define and explain the techniques and terms listed on the sheet. You should make alterations and improvements to your sheet as we review your understanding.
In order to start answering question 3, you must RAG assess your current ability to define and recognise the techniques listed on the Editing Media Language Table that will be distributed. This will be completed during out of hours learning (do not suggest effects or connotations yet though).
To answer question 4 your teacher will hand back your production portfolios and identify the marks and grades that you have been awarded (although this is still subject to internal and external moderation). As an individual, you will add just two pages to your portfolio in order to complete it;
- A moving image media language summary page (individual)
- A contents page (after numbering all the pages in your portfolio)
There are some students who will not receive their mark back yet as they failed to complete some essential parts of the portfolio and, therefore, it can't be marked (it would score 0). The most common missing element is a completed Production Diary. The Production Diary is a compulsory part of your Production Log and we can't submit your work without one! Your teacher will identify these individuals and arrange an after-school intervention session, using some of the controlled hours you still have in reserve!
To answer question 5, your teacher will provide you with a target mark sheet that you should place in the front of your B322 folder. It will identify two targets;
- An aspirational target mark (the one we want you to aim for! This is a mark that you will need to achieve an overall grade above your current grade or to secure the highest achievement)
- A secure target mark (a mark that secures your existing or most likely overall grade)
Obviously, these targets suggest a threshold (grade boundaries) and the more you can score above these targets, the more secure the outcomes become. We'll explain more in your lesson. At a later date, we will take your target mark and distribute it across the exam so you know how much you need to score on each question (we will base this on your strengths and previous performance indicators).
Out of Hours Learning
Out of Hours Learning
- Complete the Editing Media Language Table RAG assessment (not effects or connotations)
- Revise camerawork & soundtrack terminology that is insecure (identified as 'amber' or 'red')
- Read your Outnumbered case study model answers again in preparation for another test.
- Watch Outnumbered series 2, episode 3 "The Old-Fashioned Sunday". You can access this episode via our TV comedy blog (see sidebar) or directly from here.
Next Lesson
- Outnumbered audience appeals list.
- Focusing of the use of editing to create effect (following on from OHL).