5 March 2016

Year 11: Week 23

Ok, so we didn't finish last week's lesson and we still have to address Question 2. We will address this during this week's lessons.

But first there is a Socrative Test. Everyone must answer questions identifying, explaining and giving the correct example for each of the audience pleasures associated with Outnumbered (and we will keep doing this until they become second nature so that you will still remember them when feeling under pressure in the exam).

Then, in today's lesson, you will answer the following questions;
  1. How well developed is my understanding of how soundtrack is used to create effects in action adventure films? What are the gaps in my understanding and how can I fill those gaps?
  2. How well developed is my understanding of how editing is used to create effects in action adventure films? What are the gaps in my understanding and how can I fill those gaps?
  3. Can I apply my understanding of camerawork, soundtrack and editing to an exam question, identifying how each of these are used to create effect in a single clip?
To address questions 1 & 2 we will go through each of your Media Language Tables, suggesting and agreeing common ways in which soundtrack and editing are used to create effect in action adventure films.

To answer question 3, we will then examine a single extract from a past paper and deconstruct the use of camerawork, editing and soundtrack to create effect. You will work alone, dividing an A4 sheet into the four technical areas to be considered in the exam (mise-en-scene will remain blank today). You should identify your POINT and be prepared to EXPLAIN and give an EXAMPLE from the extract when asked to present your answer to the class. You should also attempt to use the correct TERMINOLOGY for each technical area.

Having provided revision materials that will allow you to secure many of the 30 marks available for questions 4a and 4b (scheduling and audience pleasures information for our TV comedy case study), we have constructed another one for question 1 that will secure another 10 marks (identifying how events and characters of exam extracts fit the action adventure genre). You must use this resource to learn the 8 possible answers (you will only be asked to identify 2 in the exam, but not all will apply to every extract, so you need to know all 8). A copy of this resource has also been posted on the Action Adventure Blog (see sidebar).

That's 40 of the 80 marks for this exam almost secured! (we still have to do the comparison bit of question 4 using our much smaller A League of Their Own case study). The work we are doing on Question 2 (camerawork, editing, soundtrack & mise-en-scene is worth another 20 marks!). We are certainly getting there!

Out of Hours Learning
  •  Watch series 5, episode 6 of Outnumbered. This is the last of the episodes that you will use as an example of an audience pleasure. You can access the episode via our TV Comedy Blog (see sidebar) or directly from here. (29 minutes)
  • Read your outnumbered case study & model answers (10 minutes daily)
  • Learn the 8 ways in which the events and characters of an exam extract may fit the action adventure genre (see Powerpoint above) in preparation for next week's Socrative Test.